Developed in the early 20th Century by Dr. Mikao Usui, crystal Reiki healing is an energy healing technique, complementing or providing an alternative to modern medical procedures and therapies. Instead of directly targeting diseases and illnesses, Reiki looks to manage or improve symptoms, and as such can be a useful technique for those suffering a range of maladies – from depression and anxiety, to nausea and insomnia. It’s non-invasive, and has no related risks or side effects.
A typical session sees the selection of particular crystals – such as amethyst, moonstone, topaz, aquamarine, rose quartz or tourmaline – which are thought to be imbued with qualities relevant to the troubles you are experiencing. You will be asked to lie down on a treatment table, and a blanket will be placed over you. Relaxing music will be played, and the Reiki practitioner will place the aforementioned crystals at particular spaces on, or around your body. They will move their hands over your body, attempting to manipulate and cleanse what are referred to as energy currents.
It’s not uncommon for Reiki recipients to experience sensations such as a tingling, or the visualisation of colour or images. In many cases, as subsequent Reiki sessions are completed, these experiences may become more profound and intense as you become better acquainted with the process, and relax into it.
Soul Revival Healing Therapies would recommend wearing loose-fitting and comfortable clothing, and to remove shoes, jewellery and glasses before it begins. Be sure to place your phone on silent, or leave it at home. A distraction-free environment in which you can relax is a pre-requisite for Reiki.
To learn more about crystal Reiki therapy, why not email us on