Soul Revival Healing Therapies

Soul Revival Healing Therapies

Welcome to the website of Soul Revival Healing Therapies. In this hectic, modern world it can be difficult to find space to breathe deeply, and focus on something that’s often neglected – your mental and spiritual well-being. That’s why we’ve looked to provide a place you can find a carefully curated range of products to help you connect with your spiritual side.

Whether in the form of home ware, or personal care and well-being products, you’ll find items that are selected with particular values in mind, such as environmental sustainability and vegan ethics. We also have a collection of products of vital importance in alternative healing practices, such as crystal Reiki healing – of which we are trained practitioners.

Crystal Reiki Healing

Crystal Reiki healing is an alternative healing method which looks to alter the flows of energy within your body, banishing the negative and encouraging the positive. Originating in Japan in the early 20th century, it targets symptoms which are proving tricky to manage via traditional medical routes, such as pain, anxiety and fatigue. It’s also a relaxing, tranquil way of escaping life’s stresses. You can learn more about this innovative technique on its dedicated page, by clicking here.

Contact Soul Revival Healing at for more information about products and services.

Our Products




Personal Cleansing

Bamboo Cotton Buds

Crystal Bracelets